Banco Agrário de Colombia

About Banco Agrário de Colombia

Policy assessment


Social media

Bank's Policy

Animal Farming & Food Production

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Animal Testing

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Pets, Entertainment and Fashion

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered


Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Credito Verde: ​
Crédito Verde está destinado a financiar proyectos que contribuyan con la sostenibilidad ambiental a partir de acciones enmarcadas en la conservación del medio ambiente y la mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático.
¿Qué vamos a financiar?
- Sistemas agroforestales
- Sistemas silvopastoriles
- Plantaciones forestales
- Proyectos de eficiencia energética y fuentes no convencionales de energía (Ej. paneles solares, biodigestores entre otros)
- Modernización y/o reconversión tecnológica amigable con el medio ambiente
- Infraestructura para sistemas de riego, distribución y drenaje, almacenamiento y acopio de agua
- Sistemas de manejo de vertimiento, reutilización de agua y uso eficiente del agua
- Obtención de Certificaciones Ambientales
- Entre otros

Comments on score: The bank has a Green Credit line for livestock production, but this does not mention animal welfare.

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