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Policy assessment


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Bank's Policy

Animal Farming & Food Production

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Politica de Análises de Riesgo Ambiental y Social:
3.13.3. Sector alimentos
3.13.4. Plantas de producción de alimento animal (alimentos concentrados)
3.13.5. Zoocriaderos con fines comerciales
3.13.6. Avicultura y porcicultura
3.13.9. Pesca y Atún
Para estos sectores se podrán realizar evaluaciones de riesgo ambiental y social por solicitud expresa de las gerencias comerciales, entes de atribución, gerencias de riesgo de crédito, gerencias de originación, áreas jurídicas, activos, sostenibilidad, cumplimiento y vinculación de clientes, siempre y cuando se sustente razonablemente la solicitud.

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

No financiaremos proyectos relacionados con la producción, la comercialización o la utilización de los productos, sustancias y actividades mencionados en la siguiente lista de exclusión:
13. Pesca con redes de arrastre en el mar, usando redes de más de 2.5 kilómetros de longitud.

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Animal Testing

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Pets, Entertainment and Fashion

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Política de Análisis de Riesgo Ambiental y Social:
2.3. Activos Excluidos
No se aceptará como garantía ni se podrá adquirir activos para ser entregados en leasing o recibir activos como dación en pago los activos fijos inmobiliarios vinculados de manera directa al proceso productivo de empresas que desarrollen actividades consideradas altamente sensibles a temas ambientales y sociales de los siguientes sectores/actividades:
2.3.5. Curtiembres

Comments on score: The policy excludes fur of wild animals only.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

No financiaremos proyectos relacionados con la producción, la comercialización o la utilización de los productos, sustancias y actividades mencionados en la siguiente lista de exclusión:
9. Pieles y cueros especializados. Producción, curtido, manufactura y comercialización de pieles de animales no domésticos.

Comments on score: The policy excludes fur of wild animals only.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Política de temas controversiales:
Lista de exclusión: Comercialización de flora y fauna silvestres o fabricación y comercialización de productos relacionados con ellas

Comments on score: The policy prohibits the trade in wild animals

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: The policy prohibits the trade in wild animals, but it does not prohibit the commercial use of animals for entertainment or otherwise.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: The policy prohibits the trade in wild animals, but it does not prohibit the commercial use of animals for entertainment or otherwise.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: The policy prohibits the trade in wild animals, but it does not prohibit the commercial use of animals for entertainment or otherwise.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Política de temas controversiales:
Lista de exclusión: Comercialización de flora y fauna silvestres o fabricación y comercialización de productos relacionados con ellas

Comments on score: The policy prohibits the trade in wild animals, but it does not prohibit the commercial use of animals for entertainment or otherwise.


Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Negocios Sostenibles:
Cuenta con un modelo de negocios sostenibles que contribuyen con criterios claros de compras y consumo responsable, al favorecer productos y servicios que generen beneficios ambientales.

Comments on score: The policy mentions the requirement for sustainable procurement policies, but does not mention animal welfare

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Politica de Compras Sostenibles:
4.1. Compra Ambiental: Incorpora criterios ambientales con el objetivo de reducir al mínimo los impactos generados por la actividad empresarial. Ejemplo: (…) compra de productos de producción ecológica, (…)

Comments on score: The procurement policy does mention biological production as a criterion, but its not a requirement. It also does not mention animal welfare.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Politica Corporativa de Gestion Ambiental:
Difundir la política ambiental entre todos los proveedores de bienes y servicios asegurando el cumplimiento de la misma cuando realicen actividades en nuestras instalaciones.

Comments on score: The procurement policy does mention biological production as a criterion, but its not a requirement. It also does not mention animal welfare.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: not covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

not covered

Comments on score: The bank has a special finance line for sustainable livestock, however this focuses on environmental issues, and animal welfare is not mentioned.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Ganadería sostenible: Aplica para la financiación de inversiones que promueven sistemas ganaderos más productivos, respetando las áreas de bosque y cuerpos de agua. Este tipo de proyectos se financia por la línea Agro Sostenible.

Comments on score: The bank has a special finance line for sustainable livestock, however this focuses on environmental issues, and animal welfare is not mentioned.

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