
Bank's Policy
Animal Farming & Food Production
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
The purpose of this policy is to support the recognition that animal welfare management needs to include both the minimization of negative experiences, and the provision of opportunities to have positive experiences. To minimize negative experiences, and to provide for the physical needs of animals, as well as opportunities to express normal behavior, we believe that the Five Freedoms need to be safeguarded (…).
What we expect of others Being a values driven organization, we do business with those who share our principles. Therefore regarding animal welfare, Rabobank does business with clients and business partners that: o are aware of their potential to cause or contribute to adverse animal welfare issues and that take active precautionary measures to avoid them by safeguarding the Five Freedoms (as described above), and that are able to properly describe and evidence the management of key risks to infringement of these freedoms during breeding, fattening, slaughtering and/or transportation; o respect and protect the well-being of animals by promoting positive experiences, and providing animals with enriching opportunities to engage in behaviors that increase their comfort, confidence and capacity to make rewarding choices; o make a continuous effort to increase the level of animal welfare, in accordance with internationally recognized benchmarks and good practices as outlined by the Animal Welfare legislation of the European Union, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Good Practice Note: Improving Animal Welfare in Livestock Operations, and the Terrestrial and Aquatic Animal Health Codes of the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE), commensurate with differences in local legislation on animal welfare and market practices in animal husbandry in different geographical locations; o are not involved in research on sentient animals
regarding husbandry practices - all husbandry practices used should minimize the distress, injury and pain that animals may experience. Where practicable, alternatives to practices that in their execution cause injury and pain (e.g., dehorning, castration) must be used or pain relieving measures introduced;
any painful husbandry practices, if performed, needs to be undertaken by a veterinarian;
regarding genetics and breed selection - the choice of breeds and breeding objectives should not focus only on maximum production and/ or profit, but must also include animal welfare requirements. In addition, breeds used must have a demonstrated capacity to adapt to the conditions they live in;
• regarding animal caretaker - as animals may be adversely or beneficially affected by the attitudes and behavior of stockpersons towards them, they should always be treated with consideration.
Rabobank stresses the importance of and need for appropriate training of all stockpersons and the introduction of motivating incentives to ensure that good management practices are implemented.
Comments on score: covered
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
regarding proper housing systems - when housing systems are used, they must support the behavioral needs of the animals regarding movement, functional areas, environmental enrichment and resting. The housing system must protect the animals from damaging behavior, injury and distress […]
Specifically regarding animal welfare, we encourage our clients and business partners to: work towards meeting FARMS Initiative’s Responsible Minimum Standards with respect to how farm animals are raised, transported and slaughtered. […] Regarding housing systems, FARMS Initiative strongly encourages to transition to cage-free housing systems for laying hens and group housing systems for sows by 2025. Other best practices include: a maximum of 30kg/m2 for broilers; a minimum of 2.25 m2/animal for sows; and 13.5 m2/animal for dairy cows;
Comments on score: The bank encourages a phase out of cages, but it does not yet prohibit them
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
What we expect of others Being a values driven organization, we do business with those who share our principles. Therefore regarding animal welfare, Rabobank does business with clients and business partners that: […] respect and protect the well-being of animals by promoting positive experiences, and providing animals with enriching opportunities to engage in behaviors that increase their comfort, confidence and capacity to make rewarding choices;
make a continuous effort to increase the level of animal welfare, in accordance with internationally recognized benchmarks and good practices as outlined by the Animal Welfare legislation of the European Union, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Good Practice Note: Improving Animal Welfare in Livestock Operations, and the Terrestrial and Aquatic Animal Health Codes of the World Organization of Animal Health (OIE), commensurate with differences in local legislation on animal welfare and market practices in animal husbandry in different geographical locations;
Comments on score: the bank encourages promoting enrichment, but does not detail what the minimum criteria are
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
regarding husbandry practices - all husbandry practices used should minimize the distress, injury and pain that animals may experience. Where practicable, alternatives to practices that in their execution cause injury and pain (e.g., dehorning, castration) must be used or pain relieving measures introduced;
any painful husbandry practices, if performed, needs to be undertaken by a veterinarian; Rabobank will not provide its services to directly facilitate activities listed below:
traditional foie gras production and trade
Comments on score: Though the policy encourages alternatives, it still allows routine painful procedures if with pain releif.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
regarding genetics and breed selection - the choice of breeds and breeding objectives should not focus only on maximum production and/ or profit, but must also include animal welfare requirements. In addition, breeds used must have a demonstrated capacity to adapt to the conditions they live in;
Comments on score: covered
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
regarding transport - the time for animals to be closely confined during transport should not exceed responsible minimum standards. The animals should be off-loaded into suitable animal holding facilities during the journey at intervals corresponding to driver fatigue breaks, and they should then be fed, watered and rested. The practices used must minimize distress and risk of injury;
Comments on score: The policy recommends that transport does not exceed "responsible minimum standards", but these are not defined.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
regarding slaughter - animals must be handled and slaughtered in the least distressing and most pain-free manner possible. Rabobank recognizes that it is necessary to take account of the non stun slaughter requirements of certain religious rites. In case of the latter, reversible stunning should be practiced;
Comments on score: mostly covered - it states that animals should be slaughtered in the least distressing and most pain-free manner possible, though it makes exceptions
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Fisheries (wild catch) clients are required to become certified under a credible scheme such as that of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and not be involved in unauthorized catching and trading of endangered species.
Comments on score: Rabobank only asks for this for fisheries, and MSC does not cover animal welfare
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
we do business with clients and business partners that are committed to good practices in:
hormones and antibiotics - use of hormones and antibiotics on animals must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and antibiotics should not be used for routine disease prevention or growth promotion. Antibiotics intended for human purposes may not be used for animals in food production
Comments on score: The policy does require responsible use of antibiotics and includes the reduction of antibiotics for prophylactic use as much as possible, but it still does not prohibit their use for non-therapeutic purposes.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Specifically regarding aquaculture, we encourage our clients and business partners to: seek sustainable alternatives for fish oil and fish meal used as feed; and be transparent about their plans to increase the production of sustainable farmed fish.
Comments on score: The bank encourages a transition, especifically in the aquaculture sector.
Animal Testing
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Animals used for experimental purposes Rabobank only does business regarding animals used for the development, manufacturing, assessing of quality, effectiveness and safety testing of medicines, foodstuffs and other substances or products if: o the principles of the three R’s’: Replace, Reduce, Refine are applied (see below); o after specific evaluation, the purposes of the experiment/research (i.e., its anticipated benefits) are considered to be justified: o in treating diseases or health problems in humans, animals or plants; o in treating physiological conditions in humans, animals or plants; o for the protection of the natural environment in the interests of humans or animals; o they can demonstrate through a harm-benefit analysis that the benefits outweigh the harms, and that specific attention has been given to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the harms; o after the experiments have finished, the well being of the animal cannot be guaranteed, it must be euthanized by an approved method, as soon, and as painless as possible; o persons who carry out or take part in experiments are scientifically competent and have the appropriate education and training. Any associated animal breeding, supply and user establishments must be approved by the competent authorities. In practice, we may engage with clients and business partners that do not yet fully meet all our expectations if they have an acceptable timebound plan to do so. Excluded: use of endangered species or primates for experimental purposes, except in the following limited very specific cases: - if the aim of the experiment/research in question is the preservation of the species concerned; - if this species is patently the only one suitable for the biomedical purpose;
Comments on score: There are restrictions on non-medical testing, but it is not prohibited
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Animals used for experimental purposes Rabobank only does business regarding animals used for the development, manufacturing, assessing of quality, effectiveness and safety testing of medicines, […] if: o the principles of the three R’s’: Replace, Reduce, Refine are applied (see below); o after specific evaluation, the purposes of the experiment/research (i.e., its anticipated benefits) are considered to be justified: o in treating diseases or health problems in humans, animals or plants; o in treating physiological conditions in humans, animals or plants; […]; o they can demonstrate through a harm-benefit analysis that the benefits outweigh the harms, and that specific attention has been given to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the harms; o after the experiments have finished, the well being of the animal cannot be guaranteed, it must be euthanized by an approved method, as soon, and as painless as possible; o persons who carry out or take part in experiments are scientifically competent and have the appropriate education and training. Any associated animal breeding, supply and user establishments must be approved by the competent authorities. In practice, we may engage with clients and business partners that do not yet fully meet all our expectations if they have an acceptable timebound plan to do so. Excluded: use of endangered species or primates for experimental purposes, except in the following limited very specific cases: - if the aim of the experiment/research in question is the preservation of the species concerned; - if this species is patently the only one suitable for the biomedical purpose;
Comments on score: The bank sets restrictions on medical testing
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
(…) we will not do business related to the:
- cloning of animals for commercial purposes;
- cloning humans (and related activities)
Comments on score: Rabobank does not finance the cloning of animals for commercial purposes, but there is nearly no reference to genetic modification of animals.
Pets, Entertainment and Fashion
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Regarding Animal Welfare, we will not do business related to the:
- production, trade and processing of angora wool;
- production, trade and processing of fur;
This policy is applicable to all clients and business partners that are active in the livestock farming sector and its value chain, from rearing animals, to transportation, processing (slaughter) and food manufacturing, including but not limited to meat, dairy, eggs, fish, leather.
Comments on score: Radobank excludes any business that has to do with fur. Leather is mentioned, but it does not explicitly states that it considers capturing and/or keeping animals for the primary purpose of their skin to be unacceptable.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Rabobank will not provide its services to directly facilitate activities listed below:
trade in or unauthorized catching of wildlife or wildlife products from species listed in Appendix I and II of CITES and/or species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Comments on score: The policy excludes the trade in endangered animals , but does not exclude the trade in non threatened wild animals.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
• Rabobank assesses animal welfare based on scientific knowledge and leading, globally accepted best practices and standards.
• Clients and business partners are required to safeguard on the ‘Five Freedoms’ (freedom from hunger and thirst, from pain, injury and disease, from discomfort, from fear and distress, and freedom to express normal behavior).
• Clients and business partners are also required to continuously improve animal welfare standards and provide animals with opportunities for positive behavior.
Regarding Animal Welfare, we will not do business related to the:
cultural events and other uses of animals including marine animals or fish for entertainment purposes;
Regarding animal welfare, for our own activities we will:
help existing clients and business partners that are active in animals for entertainment and cultural events to transition their businesses to other sectors.
Comments on score: This criterion is not covered explicitely, but in general, the policy requires the 5 freedoms to be respected.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Excluded Activities
Rabobank will not provide its services to directly facilitate activities listed below:
- animal fighting for entertainment;
- cultural events and other uses of animals including marine animals or fish for entertainment purposes;
Comments on score: Use of animals for entertainment is not acceptable to Radobank.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
We encourage the transition towards more sustainable practices and continuous improvement. Specifically regarding animal welfare, we encourage our clients and business partners to: include animal welfare considerations when applying good practices of regenerative farming and local supply chains, notably in supplying feed.
Regarding seafood processing, we specifically expect clients and other business partners to: establish, to the best of their abilities, better traceability and certification in their supply chain.
Downstream clients need to have a sourcing mechanism and traceability to assess and select suppliers when purchasing from regions that are at risk of deforestation or other adverse biodiversity impacts.
Specifically regarding fisheries (wild catch), we encourage clients and other business to: o deploy good industry practices, using energy efficient vessels, securing sufficient health and safe working conditions, and providing a sufficient remuneration for their employees; and o be transparent about their plans to increase the proportion of sustainably caught fish.
Comments on score: Animal welfare is directly adressed with regard to applying good practices of regenerative farming and local supply chains, but there are no specific criteria mentioned and it is not a requirement.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Clients and business partners are required to safeguard on the ‘Five Freedoms’ (freedom from hunger and thirst, from pain, injury and disease, from discomfort, from fear and distress, and freedom to express normal behavior). o Clients and business partners are also required to continuously improve animal welfare standards and provide animals with opportunities for positive behavior.
Comments on score: All clients and business partners (including suppliers) are required to comply with Robabank’s animal welfare policy.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
How we monitor performance
Rabobank reviews the performance and progress of clients during the initial credit assessment and at periodic intervals. We do so by applying a risk based approach, and by collecting supporting information that demonstrates:
• application of our guidance (specified below) for animals under care and influence of humans in the following categories: farmed animals, companion pets, animals used for experimental purposes;
• transparency and accountability on any animal welfare incidents.
remediation and grievance mechanisms
5.1.3 Legality, engagement, non-compliance, Legality
The Rabobank sustainability policies include binding conditions between the bank and its clients based on potential adverse impacts that we consider to be material. Contractual clauses regarding compliance with our sustainability policies may be inserted into the relevant contracts or letters for prospects. Should serious issues that breach our policy and/or international norms and standards not be rectified through engagement, Rabobank may decide to terminate the client relationship.
Comments on score: The bank monitors performance after the contract has been signed, and in cases of non-compliance it engages with clients and can end the relationship.
Assessed policy
Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium
Sustainable Finance
It is safe to say that sustainable loans are here to stay. Rabobank is a cooperative bank with a leading position in sustainability-oriented banking. Rabobank offers many sustainable finance products, including Sustainability Linked Loans, Blended Finance solutions through work with the AGRI3 Fund, the Rabobank Impact Loan (Netherlands only) and more. We are furthermore proud to be involved in the foundation of the Good Food Finance Network, which will build on and take forward the outcomes of the Finance Lever of the UN Food Systems Summit, through a process of collaborative multisectoral innovation.
Comments on score: The bank finances food system transition but does not specify if these will be more animal friendly