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Bank's Policy

Animal Farming & Food Production

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
The principle of fairness
Organic Agriculture should build on relationships that ensure fairness with regard to the common environment and life opportunities (both among people and in relation to other living beings). The principle includes consideration for the social and economic wellbeing of all human parties involved, but also for the conditions and opportunities of life that accord with animals’ psychology, natural behaviour and well-being.
The principle of care
(…) In addition, high standards of animal welfare, with utmost respect for the Five Freedoms of animals, should be maintained.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
The principle of care
(…) In addition, high standards of animal welfare, with utmost respect for the Five Freedoms of animals, should be maintained.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Huevos: 3, 2, 1, 0
¿Qué huevo elegimos?
De acuerdo con su compromiso con una alimentación de calidad y respetuosa con el entorno, Triodos Bank concede crédito a productores de huevos de tipo 0, es decir, ecológicos. Un producto que puede encontrarse de forma cada vez más habitual en los comercios y que también suelen distribuir iniciativas como los grupos de consumo ecológicos.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
we only support organic businesses;

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
we only support organic businesses;

Comments on score: The policy does not cover painful procedures. Some procedures, like dehorning, are allowed under organic farming

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum Standards:
Factory farming and animal welfare Factory farming is characterised by livestock kept in confinement and at high density.
Triodos Bank believes that agriculture based on the principles of organic agriculture is the best systematic approach to sustainable agriculture and food production. Our commitment to this type of farming with an innate respect for animal welfare is consistent with our commitment to the highest standards of animal welfare in the case of the food systems use of factory farming sourced animal products.
Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that are involved in animal farming or use products and ingredients from animals that come from factory farming in their products if they do not act on farm Triodos Bank minimum standards animal welfare improvement and if they do not offer products with better animal welfare standards. More specifically, these companies are required to: have sufficient animal welfare policy and standards for the animal products they use or produce; take action to improve animal welfare in the supply chain, for example by being part of industry initiatives, by having programmes to promote animal welfare or by promoting products with better animal welfare standards; provide organic animal products/ingredients or other products with better animal welfare standards as alternatives to regular products and services.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that offer products and services related to factory farming, like transport, slaughtering or equipment, and do not have a policy or do not apply sufficient standards to reduce animal suffering.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum Standards:
Factory farming and animal welfare Factory farming is characterised by livestock kept in confinement and at high density.
Triodos Bank believes that agriculture based on the principles of organic agriculture is the best systematic approach to sustainable agriculture and food production. Our commitment to this type of farming with an innate respect for animal welfare is consistent with our commitment to the highest standards of animal welfare in the case of the food systems use of factory farming sourced animal products.
Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that are involved in animal farming or use products and ingredients from animals that come from factory farming in their products if they do not act on farm Triodos Bank minimum standards animal welfare improvement and if they do not offer products with better animal welfare standards. More specifically, these companies are required to: have sufficient animal welfare policy and standards for the animal products they use or produce; take action to improve animal welfare in the supply chain, for example by being part of industry initiatives, by having programmes to promote animal welfare or by promoting products with better animal welfare standards; provide organic animal products/ingredients or other products with better animal welfare standards as alternatives to regular products and services.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that offer products and services related to factory farming, like transport, slaughtering or equipment, and do not have a policy or do not apply sufficient standards to reduce animal suffering.
We expect companies that use animal products or ingredients to have good standards on housing, feed, transport, systemic (prophylactic) antibiotics and hormones, slaughtering and interventions. Guiding principle: Triodos Bank only finances or invests in companies that use animal products or ingredients if they have animal welfare policies and practices in place that go beyond legal requirements. We favour companies that have clear animal welfare improvement targets and actively work for better animal welfare standards in the industry, as well as companies that produce or use plantbased alternatives to animal products.cov

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum Standards:
Factory farming and animal welfare Factory farming is characterised by livestock kept in confinement and at high density.
Triodos Bank believes that agriculture based on the principles of organic agriculture is the best systematic approach to sustainable agriculture and food production. Our commitment to this type of farming with an innate respect for animal welfare is consistent with our commitment to the highest standards of animal welfare in the case of the food systems use of factory farming sourced animal products.
Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that are involved in animal farming or use products and ingredients from animals that come from factory farming in their products if they do not act on farm Triodos Bank minimum standards animal welfare improvement and if they do not offer products with better animal welfare standards. More specifically, these companies are required to: have sufficient animal welfare policy and standards for the animal products they use or produce; take action to improve animal welfare in the supply chain, for example by being part of industry initiatives, by having programmes to promote animal welfare or by promoting products with better animal welfare standards; provide organic animal products/ingredients or other products with better animal welfare standards as alternatives to regular products and services.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that offer products and services related to factory farming, like transport, slaughtering or equipment, and do not have a policy or do not apply sufficient standards to reduce animal suffering.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
we only support organic businesses;

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
we only support organic businesses;

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Triodos Bank supports the transition towards diverse, local and seasonal diets (where possible), that follow the 80 – 20 percentage distribution between plant-based and animal protein.

Comments on score: The policy supports a transition to more plant based diets

Animal Testing

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

The principle of care
(…) In addition, high standards of animal welfare, with utmost respect for the Five Freedoms of animals, should be maintained.

Animal testing
Animal testing may be legally required under specific circumstances. Triodos Bank only deems animal
testing acceptable for medical products, in case reliable alternatives are not available. In these cases,
Triodos Bank requires companies to reduce, refine and replace animal testing where possible.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
- Manufacture non-medical products that are tested on animals.
- Carry out animal tests for non-medical products without a legal obligation to do so.
- Carry out animal tests for medical products, but do not have a ‘Three Rs policy’ in place and promote the
Three Rs principle.
Animal testing is most widespread in the pharmaceutical industry. Triodos Bank values companies that actively search for alternatives to animal testing, through participation in or financing of initiatives with that objective. Pharmaceutical companies that carry out animal tests must meet extensive criteria.
Triodos Bank excludes pharmaceutical companies that:
- Do not perform an ethical review of animal tests.
- Do not report on the number of animals used.
- Do not use lower animals16 where possible.
- Are not transparent on their use of transgenic animals.
- Do not actively promote the Three Rs principle.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Animal testing may be legally required under specific circumstances. We do accept investment in companies that use carefully controlled animal testing for legitimate medical purposes if there are no viable alternatives. At the same time, we require these companies to reduce, refine and replace (3Rs) animal testing wherever possible.
Testing can only be justified if it is clear that every effort has been made to reduce both the number of animals used and the extent of their suffering.
We oppose animal testing for non-medical purposes.
Guiding principle: Animal testing is only acceptable for legitimate medical purposes, and Triodos Bank does not finance or invest in companies that do not apply care fully controlled animal testing and apply the principles of the 3Rs.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
Manufacture non-medical products that are tested on animals.
Carry out animal tests for non-medical products without a legal obligation to do so.
Carry out animal tests for medical products but do not have a policy on the principles of the 3Rs in place and do not promote the principles of the 3Rs.
Animal testing is most widespread in the pharmaceutical industry. Triodos Bank values companies that actively search for alternatives to animal testing, through participation in or financing of initiatives with that objective. Pharmaceutical companies that carry out animal tests must meet additional criteria.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
The principle of care
(…) In addition, high standards of animal welfare, with utmost respect for the Five Freedoms of animals, should be maintained.

Comments on score: The bank sets requirements for medical testing, including the 3Rs.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Animal testing may be legally required under specific circumstances. We do accept investment in companies that use carefully controlled animal testing for legitimate medical purposes if there are no viable alternatives. At the same time, we require these companies to reduce, refine and replace (3Rs) animal testing wherever possible.
Testing can only be justified if it is clear that every effort has been made to reduce both the number of animals used and the extent of their suffering.
We oppose animal testing for non-medical purposes.
Guiding principle: Animal testing is only acceptable for legitimate medical purposes, and Triodos Bank does not finance or invest in companies that do not apply care fully controlled animal testing and apply the principles of the 3Rs.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
Manufacture non-medical products that are tested on animals.
Carry out animal tests for non-medical products without a legal obligation to do so.
Carry out animal tests for medical products but do not have a policy on the principles of the 3Rs in place and do not promote the principles of the 3Rs.
Animal testing is most widespread in the pharmaceutical industry. Triodos Bank values companies that actively search for alternatives to animal testing, through participation in or financing of initiatives with that objective. Pharmaceutical companies that carry out animal tests must meet additional criteria.

Comments on score: The bank sets requirements for medical testing, including the 3Rs.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
Genetic Engineering
Genetic modification of animals is anticipated as well. Triodos Bank believes in organic food and farming, based on natural ecosystems, sustaining biodiversity and with care for human health and animal welfare. People should have the option to choose non-genetically modified food.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
- Develop or commercialise transgenic food or feed crops.
- Process genetically modified food crops, unless they proactively reduce their use or provide consumers’ freedom of choice.
- Emphasise the benefits of genetically modified food crops and do not take a precautionary approach; or actively oppose labelling regulation, thereby obstructing the consumers’ freedom of choice.
- Genetically modify animals for non-medical purposes.
- Genetically modify animals for medical purposes while alternatives are available.

Comments on score: Triodos allows for an exception in the case of medical purposes, but only of no other alternative is available. Considering that in many cases alternatives are available, this will only be applied in exceptional cases.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Genetic engineering
Genetic modification is the artificial manipulation of genes. Genetically modified crops are part of today’s food production chain, even though the environmental consequences thereof have not been extensively researched. Genetic modification of animals is also anticipated to enter the food production chain. Genetic engineering is already widely used for medical purposes in research. There is an ethical limit to altering nature, and we will always conduct an ethical review of using genetic engineering in relation to the purposes and applications.
Triodos Bank believes in organic food and farming, based on natural ecosystems, sustaining biodiversity and with care for human health and animal welfare.
People should always and everywhere have the option to choose non-genetically modified food.
Guiding principle: Triodos Bank chooses not to finance the use or development of genetic modification and other controversial biotechnologies by companies.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that: Develop or commercialise transgenic food or feed crops.
Process genetically modified food crops, unless they proactively reduce their use or provide consumers’ freedom of choice.
Emphasise the benefits of genetically modified food crops and do not take a precautionary approach.
Actively oppose labelling regulation, thereby obstructing transparent information and the con[1]sumers’ freedom of choice.
Genetically modify animals for non-medical purposes.
Genetically modify animals for medical purposes when alternatives are available.
Are involved in xenotransplantation of full organs.
Are involved animal cloning.

Comments on score: Triodos allows for an exception in the case of medical purposes, but only of no other alternative is available. Considering that in many cases alternatives are available, this will only be applied in exceptional cases.

Pets, Entertainment and Fashion

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
The principle of care
(…) In addition, high standards of animal welfare, with utmost respect for the Five Freedoms of animals, should be maintained.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
- Use or trade in species that are on the CITES list and do not have responsible sourcing guidelines for such activities.

Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.

Comments on score: The policy restricts, but does not exclude the trade in non-protected wild animals.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum standards:
Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos bank excludes companies that:
- Engage in educational or nature protection activities in which wild animals are involved, and cannot guarantee the welfare of those animals.
- Engage in entertainment activities in which wild animals are involved.
- Cause negative impact on protected animals.
- Use species that are on the CITES-list and do not have sustainable sourcing guidelines for such activities.

Impact investing through listed equities and bonds:
Investable solutions
Our Impact Equities and Bond strategy invests in listed equities and bonds of companies and organisations that materially contribute to the transition toward a sustainable society.
We invest in companies that develop solutions to the world’s most critical sustainability challenges, while delivering a healthy financial return.
We go beyond conventional environmental, social and governance (ESG) and norms-based exclusions to ensure our portfolio is rooted in solutions.

Comments on score: The policy restricts, but does not exclude the trade in non-protected wild animals.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum standards:
Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
- Engage in educational or nature protection activities in which wild animals are involved, and cannot guarantee the welfare of those animals.

Comments on score: The policy excludes companies that can not guarantee animal welfare.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Triodos Bank expects companies that are involved with (wild) animals to respect the Five Freedoms principle, referring to freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behaviour and freedom from fear or distress.
Triodos Bank excludes companies that:
- Engage in entertainment activities in which wild animals are involved.

Comments on score: covered


Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

(…) companies and organisations that Triodos Bank finances and invests in (…) [,] and other stakeholders [,]should respect the (spirit of) Triodos Bank’s policies and principles as outlined in this document and shape their activities accordingly.
Triodos Bank actively expects its business relations to incorporate components of relevance to their businesses into their internal procedures and procurement policy, as well as in contracts with subcontractors and suppliers.

We expect companies using products or ingredients derived from animals for food purposes to acknowledge animal welfare as an issue in animal food production.

Triodos Bank can invest in a globally operating food or restaurant company if this company has implemented strong animal welfare standards in its supply chain and when it also offers its customers organic (animal) products. Triodos Bank will not require animal welfare standards when providing equity to microfinance institutions that have clients in the agriculture sector.

Comments on score: The policy requires companies to observe animal welfare criteria in their supply chain.

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum standards:
Triodos Bank applies the ‘comply or explain principle’ in case it makes an exception to its own policies or to international standards and principles, providing accounts of such a decision. Exceptions may occur when Triodos Bank’s involvement stimulates a company or organisation to meet the desired sustainability standards in the short term. Strict requirements apply in such cases, such as a formal and public commitment to meeting the standards that is supported by a viable strategy, clear targets and a realistic timeline.
(…) the companies and organisations that Triodos Bank finances and invests in. These and other stakeholders should respect the (spirit of) Triodos Bank’s policies and principles as outlined in this document and shape their activities accordingly. Triodos Bank actively expects its business relations to incorporate components of relevance to their businesses into their internal procedures and procurement policy, as well as in contracts with subcontractors and suppliers.

Comments on score: covered

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Minimum standards:
Triodos Bank applies the ‘comply or explain principle’ in case it makes an exception to its own policies or to international standards and principles, providing accounts of such a decision. Exceptions may occur when Triodos Bank’s involvement stimulates a company or organisation to meet the desired sustainability standards in the short term. Strict requirements apply in such cases, such as a formal and public commitment to meeting the standards that is supported by a viable strategy, clear targets and a
realistic timeline.
(…) the companies and organisations that Triodos Bank finances and invests in. These and other stakeholders should respect the (spirit of) Triodos Bank’s policies and principles as outlined in this document and shape their activities accordingly. Triodos Bank actively expects its business relations to incorporate components of relevance to their businesses into their internal procedures and procurement policy, as well as in contracts with subcontractors and suppliers.

Comments on score: The banks business relations should uphold the spirit of its policies

Assessed policy

Extract of the policy that covers, or comes closest to covering this criterium

Position on Food & Agriculture:
we only support organic businesses;

Comments on score: covered

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